What Monkeys Are Legal to Own in Arizona

A permit is required to keep many animals in Utah, including non-domestic cats, monkeys, monkeys, kangaroos, ferrets, hedgehogs and coyotes. You can own alligators, crocodiles, alpacas, camels, chinchillas, ostriches, sugar gliders and penguins without a license. It is legal to own many wild mammals in Illinois, with the exception of bears, lions, tigers, leopards, ocelots, jaguars, cheetahs, margays, pumas, lynxes, bobcats, jaguarundis, wolves, coyotes, and hyenas. Most snakes native to the United States can be possessed, with the exception of the Eastern Diamondback, Western Diamondback, Mojave, South Pacific and Wood Rattlesnake. So it is said that the fennec fox is illegal, does it include the arctic fox or only foxes together? Can you legally own a Pure Blood Wolfve as a pet in Arizona? (Phoenix Arizona to be precise) Some imported birds must have legal import documents, which excludes them from the need for a license, including: Oregon allows people with disabilities to own service monkeys as pets. It is illegal to own the most exotic pets in Louisiana. You can own an alligator Snapping Turtle, two razor-backed musk turtles and two box turtles. Special permits are required for the sale of turtles and reptiles. It is illegal to own almost all types of exotic animals in Pennsylvania. The state offers three types of permits, but they admit that they are virtually impossible to obtain. Most start with two years of practical experience.

You can own many animals in Nevada that are illegal in other states, including tigers, lions, monkeys, and zebras. It is illegal to possess alligators, crocodiles, raccoons, bats, coyotes, moose, poisonous snakes and foxes. It is only illegal to possess great apes and bears that are not native to South Carolina. You need a permit to sell other animals, but you don`t need a permit to keep most animals. You need a permit to keep non-native even-toed ungulates, tapirs, rhinos, Asian and African elephants, and non-human primates in South Dakota. There are five types of licenses. Which one you need depends on what you plan to do with the animal. Very informative center Melissa. I know someone who is the “partial owner” of a pet tiger in Yuma, Arizona.

It has a very spacious enclosure that extends over at least 2 hectares with grass, swimming pool and waterfall, which is a more than ideal enclosure for a private tiger. He says a license is required to keep big cats as pets in Arizona (and he KEEPS the tiger legally, he says), but I`ve read on your other centers and various websites that Arizona prohibits big cat ownership. I wonder if the laws were more lenient and if he was a grandfather? Pennsylvania does not list exotic animals that are legal to own without a permit. Arizona considers greyhounds, also known as wolf hybrids, to be pets, so they are legal. It would have to be proven that the animal is a hybrid and not a “pure wolf,” although most or all private wolves contain dog DNA. The “wolves” seen in private zoos and kept as pets are likely all high-content greyhounds, so technically any wolf anyone can get would be legal in Arizona unless officials change the rules to ban them in the future. It is strange that members of the family Erinaceidae, which makes up the hedgehog family, are explicitly excluded from the short list. This sounds pretty silly because tenrecs, a species unrelated to hedgehogs but very similar in appearance and size, are illegal in the state. Both animals pose no danger to the public or their owners, and neither has shown the potential to establish themselves in the environment. In Arizona, many typical reptile species are illegal, including venomous reptiles, crocodiles, and Snapping Turtles, but large pythons, often banned in other states, appear to be legal. Other large legal pythons include African rock pythons, Burmese pythons, and anacondas.

Large monitor lizards would also be legal. Desert tortoises are native to Arizona. However, it is illegal to take a turtle out of the wilderness desert. Sometimes a desert tortoise is captured and cannot be returned to the wild. Permits are required for the importation, transportation and possession of illegally possessed wildlife. It`s that most of the exotics here are illegal, I love rodents (especially rats) I`d die happy to have a Gambian rat companion! For now, I`ll take care of my colony of 12 fancy rats, heheh It is illegal to sell, import or process members of Sharia trees, such as migratory catfish, and members of the Serrasalmus, such as piranhas, black carp and mongooses, in Alabama. They also cannot own members of the genus, including deer, moose, moose and caribou. It is also prohibited to possess wild turkeys, foxes, raccoons, skunks and wild rodents. The law, which came into effect in October 2020, also makes it illegal to possess or breed birds, mammals, reptiles or amphibians registered under the federal Lacey Act. Also, you cannot own a Tegu family member.

Those who already owned these animals before the new law came into force can obtain a special permit. Rhode Islanders can keep water buffalo, alpacas, camels, yaks, and many other animals without a permit. You can get a permit to keep almost any type of animal, including giraffes, monkeys and hippos.

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